How to Safely Hide a Spare Key on Your Property

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Hiding a spare key on your property can be a convenient solution for those moments when you find yourself locked out. However, choosing the right hiding spot is crucial to maintaining your home's security. In this guide, we'll explore safe and creative ways to hide a spare key, ensuring that you have easy access while keeping potential intruders at bay.

I. Avoid Common Hiding Spots

1. Under the Doormat

  • Avoid: This is one of the most predictable and easily accessible spots.
  • Consider: Opt for less conspicuous locations to enhance security.

2. Fake Rocks and Statues

  • Avoid: Fake rocks or garden statues are often recognized as common key hiding places.
  • Consider: Choose more discreet alternatives that blend into the surroundings.

II. Choose Hidden Yet Accessible Locations

3. Outdoor Electrical Outlets

  • Pro: Placing a key in an outdoor electrical outlet cover can be discreet and easily accessible.
  • Con: Ensure the outlet is not in plain sight and remains inconspicuous.

4. Behind Outdoor Furniture

  • Pro: Securely tape a spare key behind outdoor furniture.
  • Con: Ensure the furniture is not easily moved or tipped over.

5. Inside a Tennis Ball

  • Pro: Cut a slit in a tennis ball and insert a spare key.
  • Con: Make sure the tennis ball appears ordinary and not out of place.

III. Use Secure Containers

6. Waterproof Magnetic Key Holder

  • Pro: Waterproof magnetic key holders can be discreetly placed on metal surfaces.
  • Con: Regularly check for wear and tear to maintain functionality.

7. Pill Bottle or Empty Container

  • Pro: Place the spare key inside a labeled pill bottle or empty container.
  • Con: Ensure the container is well-sealed to protect the key from the elements.

8. Lockbox with a Code

  • Pro: Install a lockbox with a code in an inconspicuous spot.
  • Con: Regularly change the code and inspect the lockbox for any signs of tampering.

IV. Consider Natural Hiding Places

9. Buried in a Potted Plant

  • Pro: Bury a small waterproof container with the spare key in a potted plant.
  • Con: Avoid overwatering the plant, and periodically check the container for moisture.

10. Hollowed-Out Rock or Log

  • Pro: Use a hollowed-out rock or log to discreetly hide a spare key.
  • Con: Ensure it appears natural and is not an obvious hiding place.

V. Indoors, Near the Entry

11. Inside a Book

  • Pro: Place the spare key inside a book near the entry.
  • Con: Ensure the book blends with the surroundings and is not easily displaced.

12. Behind a Decorative Sign

  • Pro: Attach a spare key securely behind a decorative sign near the entry.
  • Con: Make sure the sign is stable and not easily moved.


Choosing a safe hiding spot for a spare key requires a balance between accessibility and discretion. Avoiding common hiding places and opting for secure containers or natural hiding spots enhances the effectiveness of this solution. Regularly assess and update your chosen method to maintain the security of your spare key.

Remember, the goal is to have a backup plan for emergencies while keeping your home secure. By following these tips, you can ensure that your spare key remains accessible to you and hidden from prying eyes.